live_search.js | |
bbop. | AmiGO object to draw various UI elements that have to do with things dealing with a fully faceted searcher/browser. |
Functions | |
live_search | Contructor for the bbop.widget.display.live_search object. |
‘bbop-widget-search_pane-spinner’, | |
Functions | |
show_checkboxes_p | External function to show the item checkboxes in the use interface. |
set_linker | Set the linker to be used when creating links. |
set_handler | Set the handler to be used when dealing with displaying special fields. |
selected_name | External function to show give the name of the input name group for the selectable items in the checkboxes (if they are being used). |
setup_query | Setup the free text query display under contructed tags for later population. |
setup_sticky_filters | Setup sticky filters display under contructed tags for later population. |
setup_current_filters | Setup current filters display under contructed tags for later population. |
setup_accordion | Setup the accordion skeleton under contructed tags for later population. |
setup_results | Setup basic results table using the class conf. |
draw_user_buttons | (Re)draw the user-defined buttons in the meta information area. |
draw_meta | Draw meta results. |
draw_query | Draw the query widget. |
reset_query | Simply reset the query and then redraw (rebind) the query. |
draw_sticky_filters | (Re)draw the information on the sticky filter set. |
draw_current_filters | (Re)draw the information on the current filter set. |
draw_accordion | (Re)draw the information in the accordion controls/filters. |
draw_results | Draw results using hints from the golr class configuration. |
draw_error | Somehow report an error to the user. |
set_buttons | Set the list of buttons for display by changing the button definition hash list. |
set_query_field | Set the text in the search query field box. |
AmiGO object to draw various UI elements that have to do with things dealing with a fully faceted searcher/browser.
It is probably not particularly useful directly, but rather used as the framework for more specialized interfaces.
Functions | |
live_search | Contructor for the bbop.widget.display.live_search object. |
bbop.widget.display.live_search = function( interface_id, conf_class )
Contructor for the bbop.widget.display.live_search object.
interface_id | string id of the div to build on |
conf_class | bbop.golr.conf_class for hints and other settings |
BBOP GOlr UI object
Functions | |
show_checkboxes_p | External function to show the item checkboxes in the use interface. |
set_linker | Set the linker to be used when creating links. |
set_handler | Set the handler to be used when dealing with displaying special fields. |
selected_name | External function to show give the name of the input name group for the selectable items in the checkboxes (if they are being used). |
setup_query | Setup the free text query display under contructed tags for later population. |
setup_sticky_filters | Setup sticky filters display under contructed tags for later population. |
setup_current_filters | Setup current filters display under contructed tags for later population. |
setup_accordion | Setup the accordion skeleton under contructed tags for later population. |
setup_results | Setup basic results table using the class conf. |
draw_user_buttons | (Re)draw the user-defined buttons in the meta information area. |
draw_meta | Draw meta results. |
draw_query | Draw the query widget. |
reset_query | Simply reset the query and then redraw (rebind) the query. |
draw_sticky_filters | (Re)draw the information on the sticky filter set. |
draw_current_filters | (Re)draw the information on the current filter set. |
draw_accordion | (Re)draw the information in the accordion controls/filters. |
draw_results | Draw results using hints from the golr class configuration. |
draw_error | Somehow report an error to the user. |
set_buttons | Set the list of buttons for display by changing the button definition hash list. |
set_query_field | Set the text in the search query field box. |
this.selected_name = function()
External function to show give the name of the input name group for the selectable items in the checkboxes (if they are being used). Null otherwise.
Keep in mind that this variable changes every times that the results table refreshes.
string or null
this.setup_query = function( label_str, icon_clear_label, icon_clear_source )
Setup the free text query display under contructed tags for later population.
If no icon_clear_source is defined, icon_clear_label will be used as the defining text.
label_str | [optional] string or bbop.html for input label |
icon_clear_label | [optional] string or bbop.html for clear icon |
icon_clear_source | [optional] string to define the src of img |
this.setup_current_filters = function( icon_remove_label, icon_remove_source )
Setup current filters display under contructed tags for later population. The seeding information is coming in through the GOlr conf class.
Add in the filter state up here.
If no icon_reset_source is defined, icon_reset_label will be used as the defining text.
icon_remove_label | [optional] string or bbop.html for remove icon |
icon_remove_source | [optional] string to define the src of img |
this.setup_accordion = function( icon_positive_label, icon_positive_source, icon_negative_label, icon_negative_source, spinner_shield_source, spinner_shield_message )
Setup the accordion skeleton under contructed tags for later population. The seeding information is coming in through the GOlr conf class. Start building the accordion here. Not an updatable part.
If no icon_*_source is defined, icon_*_label will be used as the defining text.
icon_positive_label | [optional] string or bbop.html for positive icon |
icon_positive_source | [optional] string to define the src of img |
icon_negative_label | [optional] string or bbop.html for positive icon |
icon_negative_source | [optional] string to define the src of img |
spinner_shield_source | [optional] string to define the src of img |
spinner_shield_message | [optional] string or bbop.html for message |
this.setup_results = function( args )
Setup basic results table using the class conf. For actual results rendering, see .draw_results. While there is a meta block supplied, its use is optional.
meta | draw the meta-results; defaults to false |
spinner_source | the source of the image to use for the activity spinner |
hash; see above for details
this.draw_user_buttons = function( manager )
(Re)draw the user-defined buttons in the meta information area. Will naturally fail if there is no meta div that has been nested with the user button element.
manager | bbop.golr.manager that we initially registered with |
this.draw_meta = function( response, manager )
Draw meta results. Includes selector for drop down.
(Re)draw the count control with the current information in the manager. This also tries to set the selector to the response number (to keep things in sync), unbinds any current “change” event, and adds a new change event.
response | the bbop.golr.response returned from the server |
manager | bbop.golr.manager that we initially registered with |
this.draw_query = function( response, manager )
Draw the query widget. This function makes it active as well.
Clicking the reset button will reset the query to ‘’.
NOTE: Since this is part of the “persistant” interface (i.e. it does not get wiped after every call), we make sure to clear the event listeners when we redraw the function to prevent them from building up.
response | the bbop.golr.response returned from the server |
manager | bbop.golr.manager that we initially registered with |
this.reset_query = function( response, manager )
Simply reset the query and then redraw (rebind) the query.
response | the bbop.golr.response returned from the server |
manager | bbop.golr.manager that we initially registered with |
this.draw_sticky_filters = function( response, manager )
(Re)draw the information on the sticky filter set.
response | the bbop.golr.response returned from the server |
manager | bbop.golr.manager that we initially registered with |
this.draw_current_filters = function( response, manager )
(Re)draw the information on the current filter set. This function makes them active as well.
response | the bbop.golr.response returned from the server |
manager | bbop.golr.manager that we initially registered with |
this.draw_accordion = function( response, manager )
(Re)draw the information in the accordion controls/filters. This function makes them active as well.
response | the bbop.golr.response returned from the server |
manager | bbop.golr.manager that we initially registered with |
this.draw_results = function( response, manager )
Draw results using hints from the golr class configuration.
response | the bbop.golr.response returned from the server |
manager | bbop.golr.manager that we initially registered with |
this.draw_error = function( error_message, manager )
Somehow report an error to the user.
error_message | a string(?) describing the error |
manager | bbop.golr.manager that we initially registered with |
Contructor for the bbop.widget.display.live_search object.
bbop.widget.display.live_search = function( interface_id, conf_class )
External function to show the item checkboxes in the use interface.
this.show_checkboxes_p = function( new_setting )
Set the linker to be used when creating links.
this.set_linker = function( linker )
Set the handler to be used when dealing with displaying special fields.
this.set_handler = function( handler )
External function to show give the name of the input name group for the selectable items in the checkboxes (if they are being used).
this.selected_name = function()
Setup the free text query display under contructed tags for later population.
this.setup_query = function( label_str, icon_clear_label, icon_clear_source )
Setup sticky filters display under contructed tags for later population.
this.setup_sticky_filters = function()
Setup current filters display under contructed tags for later population.
this.setup_current_filters = function( icon_remove_label, icon_remove_source )
Setup the accordion skeleton under contructed tags for later population.
this.setup_accordion = function( icon_positive_label, icon_positive_source, icon_negative_label, icon_negative_source, spinner_shield_source, spinner_shield_message )
Setup basic results table using the class conf.
this.setup_results = function( args )
(Re)draw the user-defined buttons in the meta information area.
this.draw_user_buttons = function( manager )
Draw meta results.
this.draw_meta = function( response, manager )
Draw the query widget.
this.draw_query = function( response, manager )
Simply reset the query and then redraw (rebind) the query.
this.reset_query = function( response, manager )
(Re)draw the information on the sticky filter set.
this.draw_sticky_filters = function( response, manager )
(Re)draw the information on the current filter set.
this.draw_current_filters = function( response, manager )
(Re)draw the information in the accordion controls/filters.
this.draw_accordion = function( response, manager )
Draw results using hints from the golr class configuration.
this.draw_results = function( response, manager )
Somehow report an error to the user.
this.draw_error = function( error_message, manager )
Set the list of buttons for display by changing the button definition hash list.
this.set_buttons = function( button_def_list )
Set the text in the search query field box.
this.set_query_field = function( query )