$#! · 0-9 · A · B · C · D · E · F · G · H · I · J · K · L · M · N · O · P · Q · R · S · T · U · V · W · X · Y · Z
 batch_urls, bbop.golr.manager
 bookmark, bbop.widget.display.button_templates
 bracket, bbop.model.bracket.graph
 bracket_layout, bbop.model.bracket.graph
 browse, bbop.widget.browse
 button, bbop.html.button
 button_span_id, bbop.widget.live_pager
 callback_type, bbop.golr.response
 chomp, bbop.core
 clear, bbop.golr.manager
 clear_buttons, bbop.widget.search_pane
 clear_waits, bbop.widget.spinner
 clickable_object, bbop.widget.display.clickable_object
 collapsible, bbop.html.collapsible
 color, bbop.context
 conf, bbop.golr.conf
 conf_class, bbop.golr.conf_class
 conf_field, bbop.golr.conf_field
 content, bbop.widget.search_box
 context, bbop.context
 crop, bbop.core
this.batch_urls = function()
Return a pointer to the current batch urls.
This package contains an often used set of tools to tease apart a specially structured hash to get things like readable names and colors.
This package contributes some very high-level functions to make using things like the web REPL easier to use with GOlr data sources.
BBOP language extensions to JavaScript.
Generic BBOP manager for dealing with gross GOlr configuration and management.
jQuery BBOP manager for dealing with actual ajax calls.
NodeJS BBOP manager for dealing with remote calls.
Preload BBOP manager for dealing with remote calls.
Rhino BBOP manager for dealing with remote calls.
Ringo BBOP manager for dealing with remote GOlr calls.
Generic BBOP handler for dealing with the gross parsing of responses from a GOlr server (whereas golr_conf deals with the reported configuration).
This package contains a “useable”, but utterly worthless reference implementation of a handler.
Right now contains bbop.html.tag, but all html producing functions should go in here somewhere.
Implement the Bootstrap 3 collapse JS widget.
JSON stringifying and parsing capabilities.
Purpose: Sugiyama system.
This package contains a “useable”, but utterly worthless reference implementation of a linker.
BBOP JS logger object.
BBOP object to try and take some of the pain out of managing the boolean logic that seems to show up periodically.
Purpose: Basic edged graph and operations.
Purpose: An extension of bbop.model.graph to produce a bracketed layout (like the neighborhood view in AmiGO 1.8).
Purpose: Extend bbop.model in model.js to be handy for a (phylo)tree.
BBOP generic lightweight listener/callback registry system.
Generic BBOP manager for dealing with basic generic REST calls.
NodeJS BBOP manager for dealing with remote calls.
Rhino BBOP manager for dealing with remote calls.
RingoJS BBOP manager for dealing with remote calls.
Generic BBOP handler for dealing with the gross parsing of responses from a REST server.
Generic BBOP handler for dealing with the gross parsing of responses from a REST JSON server.
Generic BBOP handler for dealing with the gross parsing of responses from the GO Molecular Model Manager REST server JSON responses.
BBOP JS template object/enginette.
A trivial testing framework for JS.
This package was automatically generated during the build process and contains its version information--this is the release of the API that you have.
BBOP object to draw various UI elements that have to do with autocompletion.
BBOP object to produce a self-constructing/self-destructing jQuery popup dialog.
Template generators for various button “templates” that can be fed into the search_pane widget.
BBOP object to produce a clickable image or a clickable text span, both producing something that can give its id for later clickable actions.
BBOP object to produce a self-constructing/self-destructing shield to support very large filter selection in the live search/search pane genre.
AmiGO object to draw various UI elements that have to do with things dealing with a fully faceted searcher/browser.
Subclass of bbop.html.tag.
Subclass of bbop.html.tag.
BBOP object to produce a clickable text span, that in conjunction with the local CSS, should make an awfully button looking creature.
Reusable object to create a two-column layout.
BBOP object to produce a self-constructing/self-destructing DnD selection and ordering shield.
Create a dynamic filter for removing rows from a table (where the rows are inside of a tbody).
BBOP object to produce a self-constructing/self-destructing term information shield.
BBOP JS object to allow the live probing of a GOlr personality.
BBOP JS object to allow the the paging/downloading etc.
BBOP JS widget to display the results of a search on callback.
TODO: Code needs to be cleaned with bbop.html.
A self-contained flexible REPL to use as a base to explore the BBOP environment that you setup.
BBOP object to draw various UI elements that have to do with autocompletion.
BBOP object to produce a self-constructing/self-destructing term general filtering search tool for an index.
BBOP object to produce a self-constructing/self-destructing spinner.
BBOP object to produce a self-constructing/self-destructing term information shield.
bbop.widget.display.button_templates.bookmark = function(linker)
Generate the template for a simple bookmark (for search) button with pop-up.
bbop.model.bracket.graph = function()
Extension of bbop.model.graph
this.bracket_layout = function(term_acc)
Largely borrowed from from the perl section on AmiGO 2.
bbop.widget.browse = function(golr_loc,
Contructor for the bbop.widget.browse object.
bbop.html.button = function(in_label,
Create a button object.
anchor.button_span_id = function()
Returns the location of a place to add external buttons if you want.
bbop.golr.response.prototype.callback_type = function()
Return the callback type if it was specified in the query, otherwise return null.
bbop.core.chomp = function(str)
Trim the leading and trailing whitespace from a string.
this.clear = function()
Clear all non-sticky query parameters to get back to a more “original” state.
this.clear_buttons = function()
Remove all user-defined buttons from the display.
this.clear_waits = function()
Hides the spinner and resets all the waiting counters.
bbop.widget.display.clickable_object = function(label,
Generator for a clickable object.
bbop.core.clone = function(thing)
Clone an object down to its atoms.
bbop.model.edge.prototype.clone = function()
Get a fresh new copy of the current edge (using bbop.core.clone for metadata object).
bbop.model.node.prototype.clone = function()
Get a fresh new copy of the current node (using bbop.core.clone for metadata object).
bbop.model.tree.edge.prototype.clone = function()
Make sure that clone gets distance as well.
bbop.html.collapsible = function(in_list,
Create the a frame for the functional part of a jQuery collapsible structure.
this.color = function(ind)
Return the string of a color of a rel. = function()
Returns the commentary object (whatever that might be in any given case).
bbop.golr.conf = function (golr_conf_var)
Contructor for the GOlr query manager.
Generic BBOP manager for dealing with gross GOlr configuration and management.
bbop.golr.conf_class = function (class_conf_struct)
Contructor for a GOlr search class.
bbop.golr.conf_field = function (field_conf_struct)
Contructor for a GOlr search field.
this.content = function()
Get the current text contents of the search box.
bbop.context = function(entities,
Initial take from go-mme/js/bbop-mme-context.js
bbop.core.crop = function(str,
Crop a string nicely.