I | |
id | |
image, bbop. | |
include_highlighting, bbop. | |
inconsistent_p, bbop. | |
individuals, bbop. | |
input, bbop. | |
is_array, bbop.core | |
is_complete, bbop. | |
is_defined | |
is_different_atom, bbop.test | |
is_different_hash, bbop.test | |
is_different_set, bbop.test | |
is_different_url, bbop.test | |
is_empty, bbop.core | |
is_false, bbop.test | |
is_fixed, bbop. | |
is_hash, bbop.core | |
is_in_list, bbop.test | |
is_in_list_diy, bbop.test | |
is_leaf_node, bbop. | |
is_multi, bbop. | |
is_not_defined, bbop.test | |
is_not_in_list, bbop.test | |
is_not_in_list_diy, bbop.test | |
is_registered, bbop. | |
is_root_node, bbop. | |
is_same, bbop.core | |
is_same_atom, bbop.test | |
is_same_hash, bbop.test | |
is_same_set, bbop.test | |
is_same_url, bbop.test | |
is_string_embedded, bbop.test | |
is_string_not_embedded, bbop.test | |
is_true, bbop.test | |
is_x_greater_than_y, bbop.test | |
item_name | |
J | |
jquery | |
jquery.js | |
json, bbop. | |
json.js | |
jsonp_callback, bbop. | |
K | |
kvetch, bbop. |
The unique ID of this profile.
this.id = function()
The unique ID of this profile.
this.id = function()
Getter/setter for the graph id.
bbop.model.graph.prototype.id = function( value )
Getter/setter for node id.
bbop.model.node.prototype.id = function( value )
Create an image (img) object.
bbop.html.image = function( in_attrs )
Turn hilighting on or off (with true or false).
this.include_highlighting = function( hilite_p, html_elt_str )
Returns true or false on whether or not the returned model is thought to be inconsistent.
bbop.rest.response.mmm.prototype.inconsistent_p = function()
Returns a list of the individuals in the response.
bbop.rest.response.mmm.prototype.individuals = function()
Create a form input.
bbop.html.input = function( attrs )
Return the best guess (true/false) for whether or not a given object is being used as an array.
bbop.core.is_array = function( in_thing )
Any bad parts in graph?
bbop.model.graph.prototype.is_complete = function()
Return true/false on whether or not the passed object is defined.
bbop.core.is_defined = function( in_thing )
Test whether a value is defined.
this.is_defined = function( thing, msg )
A negative version of is_same_atom.
this.is_different_atom = function( question, answer, msg )
A negative version of is_same_hash.
this.is_different_hash = function( hash1, hash2, msg )
A negative version of is_same_set.
this.is_different_set = function( set1, set2, msg )
A negative version of is_same_url.
this.is_different_url = function( link1, link2, msg )
Return true/false on whether or not the object in question has any items of interest (iterable?)
bbop.core.is_empty = function( in_thing )
A negative version of is_true.
this.is_false = function( bool, msg )
Using the “property_type” entry, returns whether or not this field is “dynamic” (false) or “fixed” (true).
this.is_fixed = function()
Return the best guess (true/false) for whether or not a given object is being used as a hash.
bbop.core.is_hash = function( in_thing )
Test whether an item is in a list (array).
this.is_in_list = function( item, list, msg )
A DIY version of is_in_list.
this.is_in_list_diy = function( item, list, comp, msg )
Leaves are defined as nodes who are the object of nothing, independent of predicate.
bbop.model.graph.prototype.is_leaf_node = function( nb_id )
Using the “cardinality” entry, returns whether or not this field is “single” (false) or “multi” (true).
this.is_multi = function()
A negative version of is_defined.
this.is_not_defined = function( thing, msg )
A negative version of is_in_list.
this.is_not_in_list = function( item, list, msg )
A negative version of is_in_list_diy.
this.is_not_in_list_diy = function( item, list, comp, msg )
Returns whether or not an id has already been registered to a category.
this.is_registered = function( category, function_id )
Roots are defined as nodes who are the subject of nothing, independent of predicate.
bbop.model.graph.prototype.is_root_node = function( nb_id )
Returns true if it things the two incoming arguments are value-wise the same.
bbop.core.is_same = function ( thing1, thing2 )
Test whether two simple atomic hashes are the same.
this.is_same_hash = function( hash1, hash2, msg )
Test whether two sets (as atomic arrays) are the same.
this.is_same_set = function( set1, set2, msg )
Test whether two links are functionally equivalent.
this.is_same_url = function( link1, link2, msg )
Test whether a target string (target_str) can be made by embedding a string (added_str) into a base string (base_str).
this.is_string_embedded = function( target_str, base_str, added_str, msg )
A negative version of is_string_embedded.
this.is_string_not_embedded = function( target_str, base_str, added_str, msg )
Test whether a value is true.
this.is_true = function( bool, msg )
Test whether one value is greate than another.
this.is_x_greater_than_y = function( x_thing, y_thing, msg )
Return a string of the name attribute used by the checkboxes if we selected for checkboxes to be displayed.
this.item_name = function()
Return a string of the name attribute used by the checkboxes if we selected for checkboxes to be displayed.
this.item_name = function()
Contructor for the GOlr query manager
bbop.golr.manager.jquery = function ( golr_loc, golr_conf_obj )
Contructor for the jQuery REST manager
bbop.rest.manager.jquery = function( response_handler )
Contructor for a REST JSON response object.
bbop.rest.response.json = function( json_data )
Get/set the jQuery jsonp callback string to something other than “json.wrf”.
bbop.rest.manager.jquery.prototype.jsonp_callback = function( cstring )
Log a string to somewhere.
this.kvetch = function( string )