$#! · 0-9 · A · B · C · D · E · F · G · H · I · J · K · L · M · N · O · P · Q · R · S · T · U · V · W · X · Y · Z
 packet, bbop.golr.response
 page, bbop.golr.manager
 page_first, bbop.golr.manager
 page_last, bbop.golr.manager
 page_next, bbop.golr.manager
 page_previous, bbop.golr.manager
 paging_next_p, bbop.golr.response
 paging_p, bbop.golr.response
 paging_previous_p, bbop.golr.response
 parameter, bbop.golr.response
 parameters, bbop.golr.response
 pare, bbop.core
 parse, bbop.logic
 parseJSON, bbop.golr.faux_ajax
 pass, bbop.test
 plist_to_property_hash, bbop.golr.manager
 pop_context, bbop.logger
 pop_excursion, bbop.golr.manager
 predicate_id, bbop.model.edge
 preload, bbop.golr.manager.preload
 priority, bbop.context
 property, bbop.golr.conf_field
 push_context, bbop.logger
 push_excursion, bbop.golr.manager
 query, bbop.golr.response
 query_field_set, bbop.golr.manager
 query_filters, bbop.golr.response
bbop.golr.response.prototype.packet = function()
Return the packet number of the current response. = function(rows,
Re-trigger the “search” chain of events, but with the variables set for a different section of the results.
Currently a convenience alias for search.
this.page_last = function(total_document_count)
Trigger search on last page parameters.
this.page_next = function()
This is a wrapper for page and should be preferred over a direct call to page.
this.page_previous = function()
This is a wrapper for page and should be preferred over a direct call to page.
bbop.golr.response.prototype.paging_next_p = function()
Whether or paging forwards is an option right now.
bbop.golr.response.prototype.paging_p = function()
Whether or not paging is necessary with the given results set.
bbop.golr.response.prototype.paging_previous_p = function()
Whether or paging backwards is an option right now.
bbop.golr.response.prototype.parameter = function(key)
Get the parameter chunk--variable stuff we put in.
bbop.golr.response.prototype.parameters = function()
Get the parameter chunk--variable stuff we put in.
bbop.core.pare = function(in_thing,
Take an array or hash and pare it down using a couple of functions to what we want.
this.parse = function(in_str)
TODO: I think I can grab the shunting yard algorithm for a similar problem in the old AmiGO 1.x codebase.
this.parseJSON = function(args)
Fake call to jQuery’s parseJSON.
this.pass = function(msg)
Always return test as true--useful when testing using control structures and the like.
this.payload = function(payload)
The information to deliver to the resource.
this.plist_to_property_hash = function(plist)
Turn a plist to a hash containing the different properties that can be defined for a query filter.
this.pop_context = function()
Remove the last context if it’s there.
this.pop_excursion = function()
Return to a previously pushed state.
bbop.model.edge.prototype.predicate_id = function()
Getter/setter for edge predicate id.
bbop.golr.manager.preload = function (golr_loc,
Contructor for the GOlr query manager.
this.priority = function(ind)
Return a number representing the relative priority of the entity under consideration. = function()
Returns a list of the properties in the response. = function()
Returns the method of this field’s generation in the loader.
this.push_context = function(new_context)
Add an additional logging context to the stack.
this.push_excursion = function()
Save the current state of the manager--data and sticky filter information--onto an internal stack.
bbop.golr.response.prototype.query = function()
Return the raw query parameter “q”.
this.query_field_set = function(qfs)
Bulk getter/setter for the query fields--the fields that are searched (and by what weight) when using a query (‘q’ or set_query(), i.e.
bbop.golr.response.prototype.query_filters = function()
A sensible handling of the not-so-great format of “fq” returned by Solr (fq can be irritating single value or irritating array, along with things like “-” in front of values).