R | |
raw | |
readable, bbop. | |
register, bbop. | |
registry, bbop. | |
registry.js | |
relation_glyph, bbop. | |
relation_weight, bbop. | |
relations, bbop. | |
release, bbop. | |
remove_extra, bbop. | |
remove_query_filter, bbop. | |
repl, bbop. | |
repl.js | |
replace_buffer_text, bbop. | |
report, bbop.test | |
required, bbop. | |
reset, bbop. | |
reset_batch, bbop. | |
reset_context, bbop. | |
reset_default_query, bbop. | |
reset_facet_limit, bbop. | |
reset_query | |
reset_query_filters, bbop. | |
reset_results_count, bbop. | |
resource, bbop. | |
resourcify, bbop.core | |
response | |
response.js | |
restmark, bbop. | |
results_table_by_class_conf, bbop. | |
results_table_by_class_conf.js | |
results_table_by_class_conf_bs3, bbop. | |
results_table_by_class_conf_bs3.js | |
revision, bbop. | |
rhino | |
rhino.js | |
rich_bracket_layout, bbop. | |
ringo | |
ringo.js | |
row_step, bbop. | |
run_batch, bbop. |
returns a pointer to the initial response object
bbop.golr.response.prototype.raw = function()
Returns the initial response object, whatever it was.
bbop.rest.response.prototype.raw = function()
Returns a human readable form of the inputted string.
this.readable = function( ind )
Add the specified function from the registry, with an optional relative priority against other callback functions.
this.register = function( category, function_id, in_function, in_priority )
Contructor for BBOP registry.
bbop.registry = function( evt_list )
A GO-specific take on the relative importance of relations in a graph.
this.relation_weight = function( predicate_acc, default_weight )
Returns a list of the relations found in the response.
bbop.rest.response.mmm.prototype.relations = function()
Partial version for this library: release (date-like) information.
Remove/reset the extra bit.
this.remove_extra = function()
Remover for query filters (‘fq’), is a plist is specified, it will only remove if all of the listed criteria are met.
this.remove_query_filter = function( filter, value, plist )
Contructor for the bbop.widget.repl object.
bbop.widget.repl = function( interface_id, initial_commands, in_argument_hash )
Replace the buffer text with new text.
this.replace_buffer_text = function( str )
Print a report about what happened during the tests.
this.report = function()
Returns whether or not this field is required.
this.required = function()
Manually trigger the “reset” chain of events.
this.reset = function()
Clear the currently queued data batch.
this.reset_batch = function()
Define the ability to reset the contex.
this.reset_context = function( new_initial_context )
Reset the default query back to “:”.
this.reset_default_query = function()
Either reset the global limit to the original (likely 25) and/or remove the specified filter.
this.reset_facet_limit = function( field )
Simply reset the query and then redraw (rebind) the query.
this.reset_query = function( response, manager )
Remove/reset the query variable (‘q’); this set it back to the default query.
this.reset_query = function()
Reset the query filters (‘fq’); but leave sticky filters alone.
this.reset_query_filters = function()
Reset the number of documents to their original setting, likely 10.
this.reset_results_count = function()
The base target URL for our operations.
this.resource = function( url )
Convert a string into something consistent for urls (getting icons, etc.)
bbop.core.resourcify = function( base, resource, extension )
Contructor for a GOlr query response object.
bbop.golr.response = function( json_data )
Contructor for a REST query response object.
bbop.rest.response = function( in_data )
Generate the template for a simple bookmark button with pop-up.
bbop.widget.display.button_templates.restmark = function( linker )
Partial version for this library; revision (major/minor version numbers) information.
Contructor for the GOlr query manager; Rhino-style.
bbop.golr.manager.rhino = function ( golr_loc, golr_conf_obj )
Contructor for the REST query manager; Rhino-style.
bbop.rest.manager.rhino = function( response_handler )
Very similar to bracket_layout, except that instead of the node id, there is a list of [node_id, node_label, predicate].
this.rich_bracket_layout = function( term_acc, transitivity_graph )
Contructor for the GOlr query manager; Ringo flavor.
bbop.golr.manager.ringo = function ( golr_loc, golr_conf_obj )
Contructor for the REST query manager; RingoJS-style.
bbop.rest.manager.ringo = function( response_handler )
Returns the number of rows requested (integer).
bbop.golr.response.prototype.row_step = function()
A distant cousin of update.
bbop.golr.manager.jquery.prototype.run_batch = function( accumulator_func, final_func )